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My Gallery

Browse trough a selection of my paintings. There are a number of subjects and styles

Blue Door

The Blue Door

Ever walked past a door and wondered what’s behind it or where it leads to?

Or is it just me being too curious?

This one can be found below the old town hall in Stroud which was constructed in 1596. In the 17thC, the basement being used as a local lock-up.

Oak Door

The Oak Door

A closed door gives the impression that someone wants to hide away or you’re not allowed in, but doors are designed to be opened up as well, so I like to see them as actually being welcoming.

This is part of The Church of St. Laurence Stroud. It’s not the main door but access to the vestry, nevertheless, very ornate.

The Retreat

The Retreat

This is an interesting scene in an old area of the town of Stroud.

Each building constructed during different periods of history, but still appear united as a whole.

Old buildings can produce some interesting shapes and patterns. I love playing around with the colours.

Tree of Life

Tree of Life

The concept of the Tree of Life is found in ancient texts and cultures throughout the world.

The tree appears as the source of eternal life in the Garden of Eden.

It reappears in the last book of the bible. Watered by the river of life.

Bearing twelve types of fruits, and the leaves of the tree for the healing of the nations.

The intricate pattern encircling the tree is a filigree of all types of animal silhouettes.

Light of Hope

Light of Hope

What are you hoping for?

Sometimes that which you would like to happen can be pretty elusive.

When the sun is obscured by clouds, it doesn’t mean the sun no longer exists.

It’s still there.

As soon as the clouds are blown away, the sun will shine down on you all its glory.

Light of Healing

Light of Healing

They say that walking though woodland, surrounded by the sound of wildlife can bring healing to the mind, calming your thoughts and reducing stress.

I really love seeing a forest mist just being lit up by rays of the sun.

The whole scene giving an air of wonder and mystery.

Light of Peace

Light of Peace

Ok, not a very peaceful scene.

I could quite easily have painted a beautiful calming scene of a yacht gently sailing in a calm blue sea. The thing is, it’s easy to feel at peace when everything is going well, the sun is shining and life feels good.
Real peace though, isn’t the absence of storms in our lives. There are always going to be bad times as well as good times. Peace is the ability to remain calm through the storm.


7819 Hinton Manor

There's something quite magical about the sight, the sound and the power of a steam engine, with clouds of steam pouring from its funnel.

7819 Hinton Manor was built in 1938 and originally used in Wales and is now owned by the Severn Valley Railway.

I remember riding on a train pulled by this engine many years ago.

Here it is depicted at Arley station.

Burning Bright

Burning Bright

Burning Bright

Tyger Tyger, burning bright,

In the forests of the night;

What immortal hand or eye,

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

When the stars threw down their spears

And water'd heaven with their tears:

Did He smile his work to see?

Did He who made the Lamb make thee?

(William Blake)

Tiger populations have declined by around 95% since the beginning of the 20th century and with only 355 wild tigers remaining in the world, are classified as an endangered species

Mother & Calf

Mother & Calf

The love of a mother for her child isn’t just confined to humans.

Animals can feel emotions too.

Anyone who has ever owned a cat or a dog would agree with this.

Here, one of the largest animals in the world also shows love and protection to her calf.

African elephants are an endangered species, mainly due to poaching of their tusks.

After the Flood

After the Flood

Most people will have heard of the story of Noah’s ark.

Noah believed that he heard God tell him to build one, and then fill it with two of every kind of animal. Then the flood came.

This painting depicts what happened once the waters receded.

I initially called it ‘The Promise’. The rainbow and the rock representing a new beginning. A promise of things to come.

Many of us at some point in our lives find that we may need to start again or maybe a change of direction.

The Journey

The Journey

Life is a journey and it presents you with many decisions.

You may see where you want to end up, but with many obstacles in the way, things can sometimes seem tough.

As long as you keep your eyes on the goal, you will find a way.

As with any long journey, you sometimes need to take a rest. Not just to see how far you’ve got to go, but to also see how far you’ve come.

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